Padangusthasana is a pose in which we lift and balance our body on the either of the toes. Pada means leg, Angustha means Big toe, Asana means pose. In this asana, we try to balance our body on only one toe. You might like our post How to do Gomukhasana or Cow Face Pose Steps of Padangusthasana Step 1 Sit on the floor with stretched legs in front of you. Now, bend your left leg and bring the foot to the left buttock. Then, bend your right leg and place the right foot next to the left foot. Shift the weight forward onto the toes and place your hands by your sides for support. (This is basic step. First try to master this step.) Step 2 Now, Lift the right foot up and place it on the left thigh. Keep the left thigh parallel to the ground. Adjust the left heel so that it presses against the perineum. The entire body weight is now borne by the toes and ball of the left foot. Once you master the above position, join the palms in front of the chest. Precautions t...