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Shalabhasan or Grasshopper pose - Steps and Benefits

Shalabhasan (Locust or Grasshopper Pose) means to lie down on the floor on abdomen and lift your legs little in the backward without bending knees. As this pose looks like a Grasshopper, it is named as Shalabhasan (Grasshopper pose). We are going to learn Steps and Benefits of Shalabhasan.

Shalabhasan or Grasshopper pose - Steps and Benefits

Steps of Shalabhasan (Locust or Grasshopper Pose) -

Lie down on the floor on your abdomen. Keep your hands underneath your thighs.
Keep your legs straight and touching each other.
Now, try to lift your legs in the backward without bending your knees.
You can use your hands to give a little support to lift your legs.
Keep yourself for sometime in this position.
This pose need a lots of strength. So, for beginner, there is one more option which is called Ardh Shalabhasan.

Steps of Ardh Shalabhasan (Half Locust or Half Grasshopper Pose)

Lie down on the floor on your abdomen. Keep your hands underneath your thighs.
Keep your legs straight and touching each other.
Now, lift only one leg in the backward without bending your knees. keep for sometime (around 4-5 seconds for beginners). Then get it down and do the same with another leg for sometime.

Precautions to take before doing Shalabhasan (Locust or Grasshopper Pose) -

Consult with doctor before doing this asana as it needs extra strength to get it done.
Do this asana with empty stomach or after 3-4 hours after having food.
Don't do it forcefully as it might cause any damage to your body. Do it until you feel relax or easy.
Don't do it for long time say few minutes as it is difficult to do this. Do it for few seconds and repeat it for 4-5 time to get good effect on body.
Beginners - 4-5 seconds and one repetitions.
Intermediate - 7-8 seconds and 2-3 repetitions.
Regular - 10 seconds and 4-5 repetitions.

Benefits of Shalabhasan (Locust or Grasshopper Pose) -

In this asana, we get a good pressure on internal and external organs of abdomen.
It ultimately improves functioning of organs of abdomen like digestion, cleaning of small and large intestine, stomach, kidneys etc.
It strengthen the muscles of abdomen, back, legs, buttock and waist.
It reduces extra layer of fats on abdomen and buttock and waist.

In the above article, we have  learnt Steps and Benefits of Shalabhasan. This is a real secret of good health that do keep practising it daily and it will give you better result as a good health.
