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Uttanasan or Standing Forward Bend pose - Steps and Benefits

Uttanasan is almost similar to Paschimottanasana, only difference is Paschimottanasana is Seated Forward Bend Pose and Uttanasan is Standing Forward Bend Pose. In the initial stages, it looks very difficult to get this pose done successfully. You can't even touch your toes. But after few days practise, it seems achievable.
This asana is included in Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) as Position 2 and position 9.
There are few steps that are useful to achieve the final position of this asana.

Uttanasan or Standing Forward Bend pose  - Steps and Benefits
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Steps of Uttanasan (Standing Forward Bend Pose) -

Step 1 -
Stand on the floor in relaxed position. Raise your hands and stretch your body with little ease not too much.
Now, try to bend yourself slowly from the hip and try to touch your knees with hands and then if possible try to touch shin.
keep yourself in same position for 2-3 seconds.
Then get back in standing position slowly.
Step 2 -
Stand on the floor in relaxed position. Raise your hands and stretch your body with little ease not too much.
Now, try to bend yourself slowly from the hip and try to touch your knees with hands and then if possible try to touch shin.
Then, try to touch the floor with your hands and try to keep your head parallel to your hands.
keep yourself in same position for 2-3 seconds.
Then get back in standing position slowly.
Step 3 -
Stand on the floor in relaxed position. Raise your hands and stretch your body with little ease not too much.
Now, try to bend yourself slowly from the hip and try to touch your knees with hands and then if possible try to touch shin.
Then, try to touch the floor with your hands and try to touch your knees with your head.
keep yourself in same position for 2-3 seconds.
Then get back in standing position slowly.
This seems little difficult to do, but if you follow above steps properly in order given, you can do it very soon.

Precautions Uttanasan (Standing Forward Bend Pose) -

Do this asana with empty stomach.
Don't do it at least 3-4 hours before, after having food.
In the initial stages, do this asana up to 5-6 seconds and increase by 2-5 seconds every week.
After getting command over it, can be done up to 1-2 minutes as well but Paschimottanasana is always better as it is done in seating position and so it has less risk of falling on ground.
Try to keep your balance of the body as well.
Keep breathing normal while doing this asana. But, specially while in bending position try to exhale and while releasing asana/pose try to inhale.

Benefits of Uttanasan (Standing Forward Bend Pose) -

As this asana generates a pressure on backbone, thigh, muscles of back, muscles of hand, forearms, shoulder, waist etc. which ultimately increases the strength of those muscles.
Due to a systematic stretching to muscles, it reduces the chances of pains in all above mentioned organs/muscles.
This increases the strength of legs.
Improvement in good functioning of nervous system.
It improves the functioning of digestion system.
Reduces the chances of back aching and gives a good shape (V shape) to back.
Due to contraction of muscles in stomach, it reduces the chances of piles, Diarrhoea.
It reduces extra layer of fats on stomach(tummy).

In the above article, we have  learnt Steps and Benefits of Uttanasan. This is a real secret of good health that do keep practising it daily and it will give you better result as a good health.