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Bhujangasan or Cobra pose - Steps and Benefits

Bhujangasan means Snake or Cobra pose. This asana (pose) looks like a cobra pose when Cobra raises his Hood. It is also a part of Suryanamaskar (Sun salutation position no 6), where we do it for a second or two. But, for good effect on body, it is needed to stay in this position for more than a minute which gives very good results to your body. We are going to learn Steps and Benefits of Bhujangasan.

Bhujangasan or Cobra pose - Steps and Benefits

Steps of Bhujangasan (Snake or Cobra pose) -

Lie down on the abdomen and relax your body and mind.
Keep your palms on the floor near to your shoulders.
Keep your legs closer and should be touched to each other.
Try to lift your head and upper body (above the waist).
Keep your head and neck raised in such a way that you can easily look at the ceiling.
In this situation, your mouth will open naturally. But keep it shut. This will be beneficial to your thyroid.

Precautions to take before doing Bhujangasan (Snake or Cobra pose) -

Do this asana with an empty stomach. Don’t eat anything, 3-4 hours before doing this asana.
Don’t do it forcefully. Do it, till you feel comfortable otherwise it will harm you.
Take doctors advice before starting to do this asana. Weak people should do it very carefully.
It looks easy, but it’s not that easy.
Beginner – Do it for 5-6 seconds and 2-3 repetition (increase time by 2-3 seconds every week).
Intermediate – Do it for 15-20 seconds and 2-3 repetition (increase time by 2-3 seconds every week).
Regular – Do it for 1-3 minutes and 2-3 repetition.
Note – As it is little difficult to stay in this position for long time, do it in multiple repetitions. But if you feel comfortable, it will be very beneficial to stay in this position for even 10 minutes as well.

Benefits of Bhujangasan (Snake or Cobra pose) -

In this asana, the blood circulation gets diverted to backbone which provides blood to each and every muscle of the back.
It strengthens backbone and muscles of back which keep enthusiasm in your body.
It keeps backbone flexible which is a sign of puberty.
It reduces the chances of all problem related to digestion.
It strengthens biceps, triceps, forearms, shoulders, abdomen and related joints as well.
Due to raising a neck and head in upward direction, it strengthens neck and increases blood circulation to brain.
It is beneficial to singers as it also strengthens thyroid and muscles in the neck.

In the above article, we have  learnt Steps and Benefits of Bhujangasan. This is a real secret of good health that do keep practising it daily and it will give you better result as a good health. 
