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What is the significance of the lotus pose?

Lotus Pose which is also known as Padmasana because if we see the final position of this asana, our leg position looks something like the petals of a lotus flower.

But What is the significance of the lotus pose?

There are many significance of the Lotus Pose. But the main significance of the Lotus pose is, it strengthens the feet, back bone and improves mental health. This pose is specially made to improve the health of the feet. Therefore it has many benefits for feet but it also benefits other parts of the body including inner body organs.

After reading this article you will be easily able to find What is the significance of the lotus pose? So, let's start now.

What is the Lotus Pose?

Lotus Pose is a crossed leg sitting posture where we need to sit on the floor or a mat, keeping our spinal cord very erect and then we need to place both the legs on exactly opposite thighs. (Please see in the picture below)

What is the significance of the lotus pose?

This position enhances the strength of our legs from a buttock to the toe. This pose is also useful for meditation. It will not be an easy task to do this pose in initial stages as it is difficult to even fold your leg and keep on the opposite thigh. But after the regular practise you can do it easily.

Precautionary measures before doing Lotus pose

  • Do this asana with an empty stomach.
  • Don't do it at least 3-4 hours before, after meals or after having food.
  • Keep breathing normal while doing this asana. Try to keep back straight and erect, don’t bend it.
  • Don’t do it if you have any injuries or do it after taking doctor’s advice.
  • Don’t do it when you have a fever or weakness etc.
  • Don’t press yourself or don’t try to do it forcefully with the help of any other person. Do it until you feel easy while doing it.
  • Follow the steps or stages exactly given in article in next few sections
  • Do some easy warm up steps to relax your body before doing this pose.

So please follow above Precautionary measures before doing Lotus pose so that you will not get harmed.

Now let's see how we can achieve this Lotus position.

Lotus Pose Stages for Beginners

As this is a little difficult pose to do in the initial stages for beginners, we would like to suggest you to practise Siddhasana or Accomplished Pose first. Once you master it then you can go for Lotus Pose.

So, we are assuming that either you have practised Siddhasana or Accomplished Pose for a few days or your body, especially legs have got some strength to get stretched while doing Lotus pose.

So dear beginners, please follow the following steps exactly in the given sequence.

Stage 1 - Half Lotus Pose

  1. Sit down on the floor or mat and relax yourself and make your body feel comfortable. 
  2. Now, stretch your both the legs out in front and keep your back (bone) straight and erect. 
  3. Bend your right leg in knee and place the right foot on your left thigh. 
  4. Keep your head straight and your back (bone) erect and straight. 
  5. Breath normally. Don't hold your breath. 
  6. Keep your right leg in this position for 5 -10 seconds. 
  7. Now, stretch your right leg back to its original position (steps 2). 
  8. Now, Bend left knee and place the left foot on your right thigh. 
  9. Keep your left leg in this position for 5 -10 seconds. 
  10. Release the position and get relaxed.

Initially, it is good to sit in the above position. After practising for a few days, you will be able to bend your feet properly. Now let’s see the Second stage.

Stage 2 - Complete Lotus Pose (Right Leg first)

  1. Sit down on the floor or mat and relax. Make your body feel comfortable. 
  2. Now, stretch both legs out in front and keep your back (bone) straight and erect. 
  3. Bend your right leg in knee and place the right foot on your left thigh, then bend your left leg in knee and place your left foot on your right thigh. (Please see in the picture below) 
  4. Keep your head straight and your spine erect. 
  5. Keep your breathing simple and normal. 
  6. Keep yourself in the same position for 5-10 seconds. Release the position if you feel your legs are overstretched. 
  7. Now, stretch your left leg first back to its original position and then stretch your right leg back to the original position(steps 2). 

IMPORTANT - Always keep in mind that when you do any yoga pose on any side of the body (right or left), always do the same position on the other side too to keep balance or yoga poses.

So, please do the opposite (Left) leg position of Lotus Pose now.

Stage 2 - Complete Lotus Pose (Left Leg first)

  1. Once you do the right leg Lotus pose, please do the steps below. 
  2. Now, you are in a stretched leg position. 
  3. Bend your left leg in knee and place the left foot on your right thigh, then bend your right leg in knee and place your right foot on your left thigh. (Please see in the picture below) 
  4. Keep your head straight and your spine erect. 
  5. Keep your breathing simple and normal. 
  6. Keep yourself in the same position for 5-10 seconds. Release the position if you feel your legs are overstretched. 
  7. Now, stretch your right leg first back to its original position and then stretch your left leg back to the original position(steps 2). 

Now, you are done with the Lotus Pose from both sides.

Right time to do Lotus Pose

  1. It is advisable to do it before any other pose in daily practice but do it after Siddhasana or Accomplished Pose
  2. It is good to do it in the morning but it can be done at any time with an empty stomach or 4 hours later, after having food. 
  3. In the initial stages (Stage 1), do this asana up to 5 - 10 seconds and increase time by 2 - 5 seconds every 7-15 days. 
  4. For stage 2, this can be done initially for 5-10 seconds and once you are able to sit in the Lotus position for more than a given time do it for 1-3 minutes but increase time by 2-5 seconds only after every 7-15 days.
  5. After getting command over it, it can be done up to 5-10 minutes as well. Maximum time to do it is 10 minutes.

What is the significance of the lotus pose?

There are many significance or benefits of Lotus Pose. Below are some of them.

  • This pose increases the strength, ability and capacity of legs.
  • Disorders such as numbness of the feet, twisting of the legs, throbbing of the veins, flexibility, etc., occur in the feet due to various such movements, labour or some other reasons. The two main reasons for this are labour and weakness of the legs. Regular practice of this asana eliminates both these causes.
  • This posture has also been shown to be effective in treating sciatica.
  • It is also experienced that this asana also eliminates the defects caused by sitting, jumping and running.
  • As It is good posture for meditation, it helps calm your mind. So, it is good for physical as well as mental health.
  • As we keep back straight, it keeps the posture straight.
  • It is useful to ease menstrual discomfort.
  • It is useful in keeping the health of joints and ligaments too.
  • It is good for reducing fat in the thigh and hip. Also good for strengthening them.
  • Lotus pose gives a gentle massage to the lower back, stomach, lower and upper abdomen, which increases blood circulation in those organs ultimately helps to boost digestion.
  • As it stretches the backbone and increases blood flow, it improves the health of the back too.


Lotus pose is not only beneficial for the legs but is also good for health of back bone, neck, blood circulation,digestion and much more. It also benefits mental peace and it gives calmness to your mind.

But beginners should practise it very carefully as doing it forcefully or in the wrong way may cause harm to your body. So, please practise it carefully and Be Fit With Yoga.


What does the lotus pose do?

It increases the strength, ability and capacity of legs. Improves backbone health, keeps the health of joints and ligaments good, good to ease menstrual discomfort.

What is a good time to do Lotus Pose?

It can be done in the morning or in the evening but with an empty stomach or 4 hours later, after having food.

How long can we hold in the Lotus Position?

  • Beginners can hold for 5-10 seconds and increase by 2 - 5 seconds every 7-15 days.
  • In the intermediate stage, one can hold for 1-3 minutes but increase time by 2-5 seconds only after every 7-15 days.
  • After getting command over Lotus pose, it can be done up to 5-10 minutes as well. Maximum time to do it is 10 minutes.