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Siddhasana or Accomplished Pose - Steps and benefits

Siddhasana or Accomplished Pose is known as the Yogi pose. Yogi are the people according to Hindu philosophy, who have complete control over the mind. It is also known as the first asana before starting yoga as it stabilises a mind which is beneficial for doing other asanas. In this article we will learn how to do Siddhasana or Accomplished Pose.


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Steps of Siddhasana or Accomplished Pose -

Sit down on the floor or your yoga mat and keep your legs at a close distance from each other.
The left foot should be first placed at the perineum, a soft tissue situated between the testes and the anus. For females, the corresponding area would be the labia majora.
Place the right foot over the left.
Make sure that the knees are in contact with the ground.
Keep your spine straight and press your chin against your chest.
Concentrate on your breathing and maintain the pose for as long as comfortably possible.

Precautions to take before doing Siddhasana or Accomplished Pose -

People with any type of injury in their back, spine or hip portion should avoid this asana or should ask doctor before doing this asana.
Do this asana in the beginning of daily yoga practise.
Beginners can do this asana for 2-3 minutes (1 repetition)
Regular practitioners can do this asana for 5-6 minutes (1 repetition)

Benefits Siddhasana or Accomplished Pose -

This is very good asana for meditation.
Good asana for getting mental peace.
This asana help person to control over their sexual urges.
It stabilises mind and increases concentration of mind.

In the above article, we have learnt Steps and benefits of Siddhasana or Accomplished Pose. If you like this post, please share it with your friends and family.