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Pranasana - Steps and Benefits

Pranasana - Steps and Benefits
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Pranasana Steps -

Sit upright on the ground and relax yourself.
Now, keep your legs straight in front of you.
Bend the left knee and keep the left foot on the right thigh.
Bend the right knee bringing the sole of the right foot to the ground in line with the left knee.
Now, try to keep right arm on some distance (as much as possible) from the body but that arm should be below the right knee.
Keep left arm near the body for support.
This is Pranasana. This should be done from other side also to keep the balance of the exercise.

Precautions to take before doing Pranasana -

Do this asana with an empty stomach. Don’t eat anything 3-4 hours before doing this asana.
Don’t do it forcefully. Do it, till you fill comfortable otherwise it will harm you.
Take doctors advice before starting to do this asana. Weak people should do it very carefully.
Do this pose in the morning.
Beginner – Do it for 5-6 seconds and 2-3 repetition (increase time by 1-2 seconds every week).
Intermediate – Do it for 15-20 seconds and 2-3 repetition (increase time by 2-3 seconds every week).
Regular – Do it for 5-10 minutes and 1-2 repetition.

Benefits of Pranasana -

It particularly gives good stretch to the muscles of thigh and waist which automatically increases blood circulation in that portion which ultimately strengthens that part of the body.
It creates a pressure on the neck and the backbone, results in increasing strength of both the parts.
It increases tremendous flexibility in the body which reduces fatigue and increases the ability of person of working.
It create an extra pressure on stomach and intestine which removes a problem of constipation completely.
It strengthens forearms, biceps, triceps, shoulder and neck.
Reduces problem of gas, acidity and Vata(airy element).

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