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Tadasana or Mountain pose - Steps and benefits

Tadasana or Mountain pose (also called as Samasthiti) is basic of all type of standing asanas. It is easy to do and have many benefits. In this article, we will learn how to do Tadasana or mountain pose.
Tadasana or Mountain pose - Steps and benefits

Steps of Tadasana or Mountain pose -

1. Stand erect, and place your legs slightly apart, with your hands hanging alongside your body.
2. You must make your thigh muscles firm. Lift your kneecaps while ensuring you do not harden the lower part of your belly.
3. Strengthen the inner arches of your inner ankles as you lift them.
4. Now, imagine a stream of white light (energy) passing through your ankles, up to your inner thighs, groin, spine, neck, all the way up to your head. Gently turn your upper thighs inward. Elongate the tailbone such that it is towards the floor. Lift the pubis such that it is closer to the navel.
5. Look slightly upward.
6. Now breathe in and stretch your shoulders, arms, and chest upwards. Raise your heels, making sure your body weight is on your toes.
7. Feel the stretch in your body right from your feet to your head. Hold the pose for a few seconds. Then, exhale and release.

Precautions to take before doing Tadasana or Mountain pose -

1. It is not necessary to do this asana with an empty stomach but if you are going to do other asanas after this do this asana with an empty stomach.
2. Do this asana in the beginning of daily yoga practise which is beneficial to generate energy in the body.
Beginners can do this asana for 5 seconds (1 repetition, increase 2-3 seconds every week)
Regular practitioners can do this asana for 5 minutes (1 repetition)

Benefits of Tadasana or Mountain pose -

1. It generates and increases energy in the body which is beneficial for daily routine.
2. Beneficial to improve body posture.
3. Whole body becomes stronger.
4. Beneficial for health of spinal cord.
5. It tones body parts like buttock, abdomen.
6. It is helpful to increases height (for boys of age 14-17 and girls of age 12 - 16).

In this article, we have learnt how to do Tadasana or mountain pose. If you like this post, please share it with you friends and family.